There are many ways to save on your wedding to keep you within your wedding budget. Instead of having your wedding during peak season, picking a date that is during off season will cut costs dramatically. Also, a date that is not a Saturday will save you money. Thursday or Friday weddings are becoming more popular and some venues even have discount packages available! Have your ceremony and reception at one location. It also cuts travel for your wedding guests. Think about not having a sit down dinner but a cocktail reception, hors d’ oeuvres and cocktails instead. Comfort foods for appetizers are money savers – pigs in the blanket, Mac ‘n’ Cheese, and sliders. Offer beer and wine instead of a full bar. Use fresh flowers on your cake for an elegant look. By making your own escort cards you can cut printing costs. Instead of hiring a band, use a DJ that will do both ceremony and reception music. These are a few ideas that you may never thought of to stay within your budget.
Stay Within Your Wedding Budget
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